Tuesday, February 25, 2014

You are Perfect, Innocent and Free

Ephesians 4:23-24 Let the Spirit change your way of thinking and make you into a new person.  You were created to be like God, and so you must please him and be truly holy.

We all know that our Creator is sovereign, gracious, merciful, perfect and just in all his ways.  He is full of love and all he cares about is reaching us with his love.  

We were created to please him, to love him and be in constant communion with him.  Well, because of our disobedience-sinful nature, Jesus had to pave the way to reconcile us back to his Father, but not just any path, he paved a path that would allow God to see us perfect and innocent through him. We no longer have to feel guilty, shameful, unrighteous for Jesus has done away with it all.  Stop living in the past, stop tormenting yourselves, live your life like Christ meant for you to live it, FREE.  Yes, you are free, perfect, innocent in God's eyes! You are no longer in chains!  You see, Jesus suffered tremendously for you so you can now enjoy your relationship with God.  

God is so good that with the foreknowledge that we would fail him he still continued with his plan of creation, and in addition, provided a plan of reconciliation.  Amazing!  Alleluia!

We no longer have to suffer for eternity when we depart; we will immediately be with our Creator.  YOU ARE INNOCENT, YOU ARE PERFECT Stop trying to make so difficult.  Accept that you no longer have a guilty case before God, you no longer are a prisoner of this wicked world.  Jesus has set you free.  No more torment, don’t allow the enemy to lie to you for he only came to lie, steal and destroy what Jesus has prepared for us.

Now, there are no excuse as to why you are still submitting or living as the old YOU, yes things will be tough and difficult at first, but if you allow the Holy Spirit of God to change your mindset- YOU WILL HAVE VICTORY in your life.  Why you ask?  Because Jesus has done away with sin for you are no longer of this world, you are no longer driven by the desires of your heart but of the desires of God’s Spirit.  Let the renewal of your mind be transformed by the Spirit and you will see a change in your life.  You are a new person, a new creation in Christ.  Fight those desires for Jesus has done it all for you.  Christ loved us and offered his life for us as a sacrifice that pleases God.  Ephesians 5:2

When Jesus went up on the cross, he made no excuses as to why he shouldn't die for us.  No, for the only reason he was born was to reconcile us back to our Heavenly Father.  Rejoice, and know that God has done it all; all you have to do is submit to his ways.  

Let’s live holy before our God.  Let’s remember the life Christ lived on earth for us.  Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to change us so we can live a life that pleases God.

Jesus loves you.  What else does he have to do to get your attention?  What more can he do!  For he has given it all up-already. There’s nothing else, but for you to believe, accept and live it out the life he died for.


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