Tuesday, January 28, 2014

You have been sealed

Just as we write letters to our love ones and seal it with love, God has done the same with us.  Our Heavenly Father has written his letter of love in our hearts and sealed us with his Holy Spirit.  Because we believed God, we have inherited all his blessings here on earth.  We don’t have to wait for our departure, no, everything God has planned for us can be experienced today, right now.  All we have to do is continue being faithful trusting that the one who has laid the foundation for us, Jesus Christ, will bring us through it.   
The Holy Spirit gives us knowledge, wisdom and revelation to help us know God better.  God’s desire is to be intimately engaged in our personal lives because he wants to shine through us.  His grace did not stop when we accepted his gracious gift of salvation, no, there is so much more he wants to share with us.  He wants you to experience heaven in your life.  Heaven is not just waiting to be present with the Lord when we depart, on the contrary, heaven is knowing God’s love, knowing who he is, experiencing all the goodness he has for us wherever we are, whether on earth or in heaven.  God is not a limited Spirit.  His incomparably great power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the power we have as believers, Ephesians 1:19.

Ultimately, we can all experience God’s power if we allow him to freely work in our lives.  There is nothing but greatness and blessings in his Spirit.  We possess this power within us, therefore, know that there are no limitations in what we can do, there are no dreams we cannot accomplish, there are no situations he cannot bring us through. Why?  Because He loves YOU!

This invaluable precious marked we have been sealed with, the Holy Spirit, shall dwell with God’s faithful people until the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave it all for us.  What a wonderful gracious gift.  Your Lord has done it all for YOU!  All he wants is to win your LOVE!  Amen!

Deuteronomy 10:12 “Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require from you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.”


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