Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Armor of God (Part II)

Peace is a state of tranquility.  It is a freedom from oppressive thoughts or emotions.  Do you currently have peace in your life?  Jesus in John 14:27 said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and don’t be afraid.”  Have you ever experienced Jesus’ peace during trying times, a peace that surpasses all understanding?  This peace is given to those who believe in the word of God.  His peace gives you a sense of security, and confirms that everything is going to be okay; even though, your circumstances tells you otherwise.  If you have not experienced this peace, ask Him for it, He will grant it to you, as promised. 

The word in Ephesians 6:12 says that we are not fighting against humans, but against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world.  In addition, Paul says that we should put on God’s Armor to protect ourselves when the enemy comes against us.  Remember that the enemy’s objective is to strike you and pull you away from God.

Furthermore, in Ephesians 6:10-18 Paul gives us the weapons that will stop the enemy’s evil plans against us.  Visualize an equipped Roman soldier's armor.  Paul used the Roman's armor to illustrate the seven parts in the Full Amor of God. 

1.     Helmet = Salvation:  Jesus saved you and there is nothing anyone can do to take that away from you.  Salvation has set you free.  Guard your mind with the word of God as it is one of the first things the enemy attacks. 

2.     Breastplate = The breastplate of righteousness:  We are all made righteous through Jesus Christ.  Never allow the enemy to attack you by telling that you are not good enough and that God does not love you.  You are very dear to God and He proved it by sending His beloved son to die for you.

3.     Shield = Faith: Having faith that Jesus will bring us through it all. Faith keeps us alive standing strong on God’s words as we persevere through it all.  Paul says that having great faith will help us stop the flaming arrows of the evil one.

4.     Belt = Truth: On a daily basis we are to wear God’s truth around our waist.  Reading and meditating on God’s word is what keeps us running towards God's mark.  The more we seek Him the stronger God makes us.  The belt/truth will take you places you have never thought of. He reveals everything to His children.  He will never keep us in the dark.

5.     Sword = The Word of the Spirit:  Just as Jesus did in the desert when tempted by the devil, we are to utilize God’s word when the enemy comes against us or our love ones.  The word is like a double edge sword it has two sharp sides, it brings truth and conviction.  The word of God is alive and powerful withstanding anything that comes its way.  Therefore, use it as Paul instructs us.

6.     Feet = The Good News: We are to always be in a state of readiness to spread the good news of peace around the world.  We are to constantly have a mind set of spreading the word to others as it’s the only way people will receive salvation.  Jesus came to heal us all, and we are to help Him by planting seeds whenever we can.

7.     Constant Prayer:  Our daily bread comes from spending time with our Creator.  We are to imitate Jesus.  He was constantly alone praying to His Father.  We need to set aside time for God as it is important for our souls, spirit and mind.  Remember that God wants to have a personal relationship with you.  He wants to help you grow in all areas of your life.  James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

I could only imagine how much more we could accomplish if we were fully equipped with God's Armor at all times!  This is not impossible, the problem is that we lose focus and become weak in the process.  However, we should all make a commitment to equip ourselves if we are not already doing so.


 +Encourage Women to Stand in Faith

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